Welcome to the PAC Web Portal. A portal simply means an entrance or a means of entrance. In our case the PAC Web Portal is an entrance to People's Awareness Coalition on the Web. That portal aside, there is also what we consider our physical portal. This is where people get real and use the Meetup platform to organize and recruit others to join the PAC Alliance. Get more information on this Real Portal by visiting our Groups Meetup page, at : https://pacalliance.us/communities ─To give our future promise, we need your assistance to make that portal grow. Please share our material to make it happen. Oh, and ─ as you will see ─ we also throw some tips in about political awareness issues for you.
After all that, we are back to advise you to stop wasting time. America needs your attention to heal.
Simply, look for the Blue Info Dot at the top of our pages: Look for "start". Click it to drop a menu so you can get started with a proper education. Truth and freedom is not a hobby. Unfortunately a lot of people get caught up in the games of Operatives and Opportunists which actually maintains this deceptive political system of theft. We must be frank here: PAC had answers and a remedy 20 years ago. Stop kicking the can down the road. Get started.
Because we are a research and study based group, the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites seem to work fairly well on portable devices in their landscape mode. There are plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices; with such being limited to general information about PAC. Still, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home based computer system for interaction with us, as: PAC. It's a way of life. Life is not a hobby.
That noted, for you profit producing human resources of the elite who are constantly on the run, our mobile site was up in the forepart of 2024. It is referred to as the PAC Lite Portal Site and resides at https://pacinlaw.us
Alright. It's not a perfect world. You would like to see what is available on the PAC Web Portal. Fair enough. To keep our visitors from being overwhelmed, our pages are kept simple as possible. This allows users to select what they want to see at their own pace. That aside, some visitors have said our material is difficult to find. Okay. Somewhat intentional. We relate that we are a serious group and know that patience is required for freedom. The tragedy is, many want a quick fix to our problems which in itself causes much frustration. Our goals cannot be met if people lack the need of unity and proper education. It is easy to understand that the problems we face did not happen overnight. And don't let the convenience of technology allow you to think that it's going to be fixed with a click of a button. In contraposition, we need less of that mindset and more activism.
On the activist side, in a perfect world you would understand the Internet is filled with many distractions, including planted disinformation. That said, you should get involved in our forum and enroll in our multi-level educational program─ Okay, here is where you click the enroll tab – page right – and enroll without further delay. In the less is more fashion, this will help end the division that has come about due to Operatives and Opportunists. We need more wheat and less chaff. Unity will fix that.
Also, since PAC was founded in 1998 a rule was established that no advertising would appear on our sites. Enjoy. Realize we are here to educate people and change things. We're fighting the "commercial plantation" of Globalists, after all.
Let's take a look at some of the highlights of the Portal. As far as our navigation goes, some say it's like an Easter egg hunt. Let's face it; technology has made us all a bit lazy. PAC has always geared our sites to be a bit of a challenge. Kind of like a video game. Please understand one cannot be truly free if there isn't a little effort put into it. Think of it that way. That should give you some understanding why our web presentation is different. Part of being not like the others, on most of the content pages there is up to a hundred common links to browse through to get you to the right places... So please learn and enjoy!
Use the menu to open windows to get some pointers on the PAC Web Portal navigation:
For years people have complained about the PAC "Website" being hard to navigate. There are nine websites in the PAC Web Portal after all. We cover a lot of material. But there is the PAC Help System. It is found any place there is a question mark icon. It contains lists of essential PAC Web Pages - Documents - Registrations - Groups Info - Portal Map details. Also, there is the DuckDuckGo Search tool to find numerous PAC Web Pages. Look for the magnifying glass icon. Cool down. Get some help.
Many years ago it was decided to put the bulk of the PAC tutorial information in PDF format. This allows the material to be shared easily with local people... among other wonderful aspects. For example, we have had people create their own study manuals with them; also they have even been referenced in law school thesis papers referencing the PAC Internet link. Neat!
You will see that our PDF documents come up in our modal window system that embeds them into the page. To close them click the X on the upper right of the window. Also they have the 'Add This' system incorporated into them for easy sharing ability with others on the Net. We ask that you do this readily. The PAC mission must go viral in the coming years.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety [or security], deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Although you may not think that is applicable to your concern about the PAC Web Portal being secure, it is. Technology has caused a serious amount of problems in people's privacy. This brought about what is referred to as the Secure Server. You may thank unscrupulous people for this problem. No worries. The PAC Web Portal is up to date and the sites are certified and have HTTPS rating. As far as cookies are concerned, our Sites do use them so you may enjoy your visits. They control how the pages are handled. Unlike questionable operations – such as Facebook and Google – our cookies are not used to track or spy on you. We ask that you learn about them and how they operate. Your browser settings can be adjusted to handle them as to your liking. You are cautioned about turning them off as your experience will not be as fulfilling.
So, in our case cookies are good. And our popups─ they're there to assist you in learning about PAC and your political situation. We rather have you be annoyed about how much you aren't in control of your freedom over free education.
In regard to coding or technical bugs with the PAC Web Portal, if you have any issues we desire that you report them so others may not experience what you have. Please send us a message using the Contact Form at the bottom of each page.
Here is something that will bug you. If you haven't already noticed, PAC is not all that keen on either Socialism or Capitalism. We know, it goes against what you've been fed. Truth is, the two things go hand-in-hand. Socialism is the key element for Capitalist types to make big profits. Communism is the blueprint, which is done with force of government in order to redistribute wealth. It makes more consumers. That noted, a small business is not actually deemed "Capitalist". Back in the early 1800s, Noah Webster defined Capitalists as, those who have large amounts of capital to invest in merchant based trade. Karl Marx and other cohorts created a boogeyman called "Capitalism". The plot was formulated so their "Communism" could destroy middle class businesses so the monied elite could monopolize everything... and to boot, have wage-slaves per the works of Marx. Brilliant!
For you to be free, others must be free. Yes. That is a reality... and a tragedy we all have in common.
The tragedy of the commons is a situation that arises in a shared resource system where individual users act according to their own self-interest and deplete it for the common good of others. A concept generally applied to natural resources; however – as PAC discusses – there are also human based resources. PAC resources can only survive if the ones who provide the material are nourished. Since 1998, few users grasp that we're not only here to educate America, but also unify those who are willing to take back what has been imposed by the Globalists. Users who fail to understand this issue may just as well send George Soros – and the like – generous donations to fund operations to destroy America to further advance World Communism.
The sad truth is, most people take without caring about others or the circumstances. That is why socialism has to be done by trickery and force. Simply, what is termed "socialism" is grounded in theft. A Socialist system is part and parcel of what is now in place... and will worsen... as planned.
To maintain our service, we need people to work together and thwart the tragedy of the commons so we can defeat the socialist based Globalist agenda of World Communism. Open usage of Our Web Portal requires your contributions as an investment so we can save the Republic as a unified team.
You must have an attention span more than that of a door knob.
Sorry to say, but if you're looking for a quick fix to problems that America faces, you're not going to find them here. So, if you're the type who maintains an attention span of a door knob you best go watch Lady Gaga videos on YouTube.
If you got to this point of our message, we must admit that we have to add some levity to a hard-to-swallow subject. If you are ready to get on board with us, Great! We ask that you entertain some of our educational sources...
Coalition Educational Info...
People's Awareness Coalition
Why Our Numbers Are Hindered
Americans Just Love Their Marxism
One of the major points realized by the Coalition is that local communities were dying with the advent of advanced technology. People aren't aware this is due to advancment of Communism.
Simply, Communism is an economic blueprint for a monied few to dominate. No, this isn't talked about by the mainstream, due to the fact most everyone is under the spell of Marxism, thus morally blind ...more
Simply put, this is a spiritual battle that eliminates most.
Thanks to Operatives and Opportunists, confusion of the masses is not helping. Knowledge, Courage, and Honor is for a select few.
The founder of People's Awareness Coalition – LB Bork – noticed long ago that most Capitalist types were always looking for ways to pawn-off their operating expenses on the population they do business with.
Marx's "income tax" did not exist in America until the time of Lincoln. The Supreme Court told Congress that "income tax" was a tax on the profits of corporations; but they took care of that. During the New Deal reign of F.D.R., income tax was nicely applied to Americans' wages.
American Communism is PROGRESSIVE, because no one would buy it.
Marx said, Socialism is the base for Communism. The work of Marx is simply a plot to create perpetual wage slaves, and make the rich, richer.
Position of PAC: Income Tax should not be applied to the wage earner.
The creature to the left: IT is one George Soros. Some think of this thing as a philanthropist, but in reality he is an admited member of the tribe known in the Bible as the Synagogue of Satan, i.e., Luciferians. His special assignment for the Luciferian New World Order: continue and advance the destruction of countries and nationalities, as directed by the Communist Manifesto. These creatures are very organized and well funded. The sad thing is, their prey ─ us ─ are poor & divided and wasting time on distractions. The TIP Here: UNIFY
• 1st tier contains 3 social media sites. 5 Portal sites are to the left via mouseover.
• 2nd tier links: PAC Lite/Mobile Site - PAP Search - Portal Help - Site Home. Last 3 links in Footer also.
• 3rd tier via mouseover contains these 4 links: Assist PAC - PAC Forum - Tools - Site Main Home Page.
Forum Login. Below is access to the different color coded levels of the PAC Forum. This bar appears on most pages on the PAC Groups site and select pages on the PAC Alliance site and not on any others.
The Left Page Navigation hosts a plethora of specific interests that may be found on the PAC Web Portal... primarily on the PAC Alliance site. If you have trouble finding a query on this menu you may want to try the PAC Web Portal Help System found at : https://pacalliance.us/help. This page can be accessed by any PAC Web Portal site address by typing /help after the site URL.
Specific Tabs/Links.The top six links are obvious, the others are : Start Now - PAC Talk - An Alliance - Subscribe - Unification - Nationality - Broadcast - The Secret - Our Store - Our Forum - Calendar - Our Reps - E-Updates - PAC Facts - PAC Shorts - Civil Law - Misbeliefs - Workshops - Tutorials - Visitor Info - PAC Help - Contact Us.
Note: This menu only appears on the PAC Alliance and PAC Groups sites.
This menu comes up with the right click. It is also dismissed the same way. It is a quick way to access certain pages/actions; such as getting to the PAC Open Forum or The Red Amendment page or simply just to visit the Portal Tips page or getting to the PAC Help System in a quick fashion... the latter two being found under the & icons respectively. You may want to try it now!
PAC Highlights Menu. Click on the PAC Highlights notation on most page title bars. Once open a mouseover of each icon gives you the title of the page. Many links are found in the Left Side page menu.
Our goal is to make the PAC Web Portal the hub of the freedom movement in the next few years. Our Community Forum will be the place for people to gather and get proper information thanks to our targeted educational material that is grounded in Knowledge, Courage, and Honor.
Forum Login. There are 2 ways to log in the the PAC Community Forum. To the right, image shows key image found in the footer of the Portal sites. It takes you to the Log In page. The other is under the blue information dot under open login.
NOTE: Navigation Arrows
Forum Levels. The color coding depicts the journey of one coming out of the gray area and realizing the RED deception and restoring lawful nationality. Details on the Levels is laid out in Enrollment.
Modal Windows and Popups
Our popups may be dismissed by clicking/tapping next to them, or use the to close them. Our modal windows are embedded into the page so they may be used as part of the site navigation. You can right click on links found in the PDFs to open a new page/tab. You may use browser back/history to return to your former query as if they were part of the web page. Realize you must use the to close them.