Status, as defined by Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, is simply:
The condition of persons.
Herein we will be going over the details of status.
Do not get too excited here. We are not going to talk about some nonsensical straw man theory, but real law as it applies.
There are a lot of people and groups out there that profess this and that about legal terms. The fact is you cannot buy into such ideas that are nonexistent and prevail in your legal matters. We of the Coalition recommend that you stick to the proper terminology. This is way the legal profession will have to acknowledge what you bring forth as an argument.
We invite you to take a look at the definitions below to get an idea on how status can have an affect on you in daily life. You are also requested to get an overview of how you have been tricked into being controlled by Washington DC.
View the similarities of how the United States Constitution rebirthed the Roman system...
View status definitions pertaining to Americans...
View the post-Civil War status problem...
The Roman Law System
About Aristocrats (Ruling Class), Bourgeoisie (Middle Class), and Proletarians (Lower Class).
Capite Censi. Capite censi were literally, in Latin, "those counted by head" in the ancient Roman census. Also known as "the head count", the term was used to refer to the lowest class of citizens, people not of the nobility or middle classes, owning little or no property. Initially capite censi was synonymous with proletarii, meaning those citizens whose property was too small to be rated for the census. Later though, the proletarii were distinguished from the capite censi as having "appreciable property" to the value of 11,000 asses or less. In contrast, the capite censi are assumed to have not owned any property of significance. Source:
Plebs. The plebs was the general body of free, land-owning Roman citizens (as distinguished from slaves and the capite censi) in Ancient Rome. It was the non-aristocratic class of Rome and consisted of freed people, shopkeepers, crafts people, skilled or unskilled workers, and farmers. Members of the plebs were also distinct from the higher order of the patricians. A member of the plebs was known as a plebeian. This term is used today to refer to one who is or appears to be of the middle or lower order; however, in Rome plebeians could become quite wealthy and influential. Source:
Patrician. The term patrician originally referred to a group of elite families in ancient Rome, including both their natural and adopted members. In the late Roman Empire, the class was broadened to include high council officials, and after the fall of the Western Empire it remained a high honorary title in the Byzantine Empire. Medieval patrician classes were once again formally defined groups of elite burgher families in many medieval Italian republics, such as Venice and Genoa, and subsequently patrician became a vaguer term used for aristocrats and elite bourgeoisie in many countries. Source:
Your Capite Censi hinny is ruled by the Patrician... Fudamentally there are no Plebs... Everyone is counted in the Census and no one technically owns any land... Americans just believe they do. The way the money system is set up under the 14th Amendment, land is in feudal tenure.
See some of the American parallels in the The Census Farce paper, Click Here
See how the Ruling Class thinks of itself in the These are Your Servants paper, Click Here
PERSON. This word is applied to men, women and children, who are called natural persons.
In law, man and person are not exactly synonymous terms. Any human being is a man, whether he be a member of society or not, whatever may be the rank he holds, or whatever may be his age, sex, etc. A person is a man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 2) It is also used to denote a corporation which is an artificial person. 3) But when the word Persons is spoken of in legislative acts, natural persons will be intended, unless something appear in the context to show that it applies to artificial persons.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
CITIZEN, persons. One who, under the constitution and laws of the United States, has a right to vote for representatives in congress, and other public officers, and who is qualified to fill offices in the gift of the people. In a more extended sense, under the word citizen, are included all white persons born in the United States, and naturalized persons born out of the same, who have not lost their right as such.
The term citizen includes men, women, and children -
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
SUI JURIS. One who has all the rights to which a freemen is entitled; one who is not under the power of another, as a slave, a minor, and the like. 2. To make a valid contract, a person must, in general, be sui juris. Every one of full age is presumed to be sui juris.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
NATIONS. Nations or states are independent bodies politic; societies of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. But every combination of men who govern themselves, independently of all others, will not be considered a nation; a body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common; thus becoming a moral person who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
NATIONALITY. The state of a person in relation to the nation in which he was born. A man retains his nationality of origin during his minority, but, as in the case of his domicil of origin, he may change his nationality upon attaining full age; he cannot, however, renounce his allegiance without permission of the government. See Citizen; Domicil; Expatriation; Naturalization.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
NATIVES. All persons born within the jurisdiction of the United States, are considered as natives.
Natives will be classed into those born before the declaration of our independence, and those born since. All persons, without regard to the place of their birth, who were born before the declaration of independence, who were in the country at the time it was made, and who yielded a deliberate assent to it, either express or implied, as by remaining in the country, are considered as natives. Those persons who were born within the colonies, and before the declaration of independence, removed into another part of the British dominions, and did not return prior to the peace, would not probably be considered natives, but aliens.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
SOCIETY. A society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some common purpose.
2. Societies are either incorporated and known to the law, or unincorporated, of which the law does not generally take notice. 3. By civil society is usually understood a state, (q.v.) a nation, (q.v.) or a body politic. (q.v.) In the civil law, by society is meant a partnership.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
SERVITUDE. A term which indicates the subjection of one person to another person, or of a person to a thing, or of a thing to a person, or of a thing to a thing. The subjection of one person to another is a purely personal servitude; if it exists in the right of property which a person exercises over another, it is slavery. When the subjection of one person to another is not slavery, it consists simply in the right of requiring of another what he is bound to do, or not to do; this right arises from all kinds of contracts or quasi-contracts.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
SERVITUS. Servitude; slavery; a state of bondage. Servitude is a disposition of the law of nations, by which, against common right, one man has been subjected to the dominion of another.
Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856next definition...
There are people who are there to intentionally misguide... You are cautioned on who you listen to...
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it... The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason." ~Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma (circa 1871)
After the Civil War (so-called) the status of people in American was altered. There are several factors that transpired when this took place. One is hidden servitude.
The details of hidden slavery are noted in the 14th Amendment, in Section 4, wherein it states the public debt shall not be questioned. As the Coalition (PAC) relies on both secular and Biblical law to gain an understanding of the problem, it has been determined by our research that the 14th Amendment is the most deceptive and evil thing one could ever imagine.
In regard to applicable factors to consider, one that you must understand is that the Bible sets forth that the borrower is servant (slave) to the lender (Proverbs 22.7 ). Furthermore, Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment turns people into "natural persons" : a legal entity. We know that God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 ). In furtherance of the scheme, Section 2 of the 14th Amendment, by operation of law, actually makes people rebel against their lawful state governments. The language in Section 2 actually establishes it is a crimetovote.
Simply Put: People are being treated as legal entities and are in rebellion against God.
In secular law a "person" is a slave (thing) that cannot question his master.
Understand? The United States is your master; and you cannot question the debt.
Do you see what has been going on here? People had freedom and they were conned into this illegitimate government imposed after the Civil War. Before the 14th Amendment the people of the United States were the master and had the right to question everything!
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The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
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