As you may know, May 1st is the day that many "socialist" activities happen around the world.
We should point out to you that there are a lot of protests scheduled in America on this day. Without going into detail, a lot of these protests are going to be made-up of people who are considered "newcomers" to America. The truth is that these people are of the Rothschild Communist Army: The New World Order.
You also may have noted that women in the corporate structure wear red. Again, little do they know that they are part of the Rothschild Communist Army. One of the main goals of the communist doctrine is to destroy the family. Of course getting women into the work place and out of the home was an element of this. It is asked: How can you have Communism if everyone is not paying income tax (Communist Manifesto: Plank 2) ? The vehicle for it was installed into the Constitution after the Civil War.
Now that we have laid some groundwork on what is being done to you in regard to law, we can now expand on what the main goal is achieving: World Communism.
In Chapter Two we illustrated how Marxism has been installed in America. As you should have gathered by now, Communism is another name for Commercialism. In other words:
The Communists are the Capitalists and the Capitalists are the Communists.
In the realm of NEWSPEAK, what we are looking at is so-called : Democracy.
In Part 6.2 State Citizen Defined, it was established that people who refer to themselves as a state citizen are going to be considered a natural person. This sets up the legal fiction that they agree to be under general statutory construction; moreover, during the insurgencies, referring to oneself as a citizen of any kind is going to maintain that you agree to the "Democracy".
It is with no doubt this has been a very well planned and orchestrated conspiracy. Although we see that commerce is a big part of this Communist scheme, the ones that are really behind this whole thing are bankers. The main conspirator, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, said:
"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
Unfortunately to get that currency in place the de facto government had to be put in place first. Agents such as Alexander Hamilton had attempted to urge that a central bank be installed much before the implementation of the 14th Amendment. It is ventured that Rothschild was one of the people that had been behind the scenes of these activities. Another interesting fact is that the Shield of Rothschild was RED: the same color that Communism has embraced.
Of course there is more to this slowly implemented scheme, below is some more of the codified evidence:
The Republicans and the Democrats are that single party. Also, you should know that President Bush had recently executed an Executive Order to provide the Federal Government dictatorial powers.
The only way this is going to stop is if people are willing to say NO!
Unfortunately about 95% of the people stay the course of the slippery slope that we are now experiencing. For whatever reason they do not see a problem or think things may be worked out politically in a system with a RED destiny. They will support the system or do nothing about it. The 5% that are awake will eventually have enough. In other words, the 95% are the ones that will bring on a negative result. Time will tell in what such negative results may come.
The Coalition