Some of you may be familiar with some of the writings that structured the Constitution for the United States of America entitled the Federalist Papers. Although some scholars hold the work of the writers as monumental, with deep study and understanding one will find that one who promotes "Federalism" is grounded in deception.
One of the main authors of the Federalist Papers was Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton was an agent of the European banking interests. He presented a rather slick sales job on the newly proposed Constitution. The stealthy provisions that Hamilton laid for his employers were slipped by. Of course, as today, the little man had much of nothing to say in regard to the implementation of the Constitution. The plan for America was predestined by people with deep pockets.
In continuation of the stealthy plan, many of you know about what is going on in regard to the "New World Order" faction. You have probably heard numerous stories about the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, etc. The purpose of the particular piece is not to go into what has been covered so many times in the past, but rather explore what the true relation between the people that are orchestrating this unified plan and the Creator.
Federalism is a concept which brings many under one. In the case of international law, we are talking about many states (nations) under one central government. Of course, in example, this plan can be seen illustrated in the money as:
E Pluribus Unum = Out of many, one.
In continuation of this mystic plan, many may have seen the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" on the back of the one dollar bill. There are many people who believe this phrase to mean New Secular Order or New World Order. There are many that believe that the phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means "New Order of the Ages".