Karl Marx will tell you ─ as every great Communist will ─ that Socialism is required for Communism to effectively work. The main problem is, YOUR politicians refuse to admit the RED state of America. Such redness being a mechanism of the elite to control the work force created by Marx's manifesto for feudalistic, fascist based corporate profits for Globalist elite factions.
As "liber" means "free" in Latin, so-called "Liberals" are free to mess things up in large or generous amounts, i.e., liberally...
while so-called "Conservatives" don't even know what they are conserving. Understand, the former is pushing Marxism─ being an advancement of Communism and destruction of all that once was, while the latter attempts to resist it. These noted labels were fabricated by the ones who designed the political system as a stealthy divide & conquer measure. Make sense?
Your next level is to understand this warfare and deception to champion for Americans. Please join us in assisting to educate them so they can see and understand their Marxist oppression. This so they then can choose to live under Republican Freedom or ─ at minimum ─ less oppressive Marxism under 14th Amendment politics within their Communist Association... learn more
To get started, your next level is to join The Ring and get America back on the road home... The Ring