To explain: Due to a general lack of understanding, people tend to look for ways to free themselves using methods that the government (and courts) will not see or understand. It is ventured that some of these ideas have been released by the "other side (Operatives )" to confuse people. Once released, people seem to glom onto such methods and repeat them like parrots...
Unfortunately. . . It goes downhill from there.
The main rule that you need to understand is word definitions in law are different than regular language. People are mixing whimsical ideas into law; this creates some of the confusion. But, in most cases, most people fail to understand the principles surrounding "private law". That issue is the main issue that people fail to understand. This is what creates, to what we refer to as, "workarounds." A workaround is a way to get around a private law statute using sham methods. Such methods are either not grounded in law, or are a misapplication of proper law. Again, the courts look at these workarounds as nonsense or "frivolous". A good number of these "patriot workarounds" are attempting to get around the thing in private law entitled the "natural person". Such term relates to the entity that distinguishes a 'man' (or woman) from a 'corporation' in the system of private law.
These noted issues become even more complicated due to the political status that is held under the 14th Amendment system. This establishes the legal nexus of a man to the statutory scheme created by a legislature. This is the primary agreement where one has agreed to be controlled by statutes made by "their" legislatures. The status that people maintain under this amendment extends the maze of private law that applies to an American. Accordingly, due to the dualistic system of law created by the Fourteenth Amendment, people tend to get even more confused about legal issues.
For your understanding as a principle throughout these explanations, just putting whimsical descriptive language in a legal document will not defeat the nexus created by private law. Using these type tactics in legal documents is nonsense as it has no legal basis. Some descriptions mix plain English with law language. This is where a lot of things go haywire: You cannot mix the two languages. It is unfortunate that people cannot distinguish whimsical descriptions from the real law. Understanding the nature of statute construction of a jurisdiction (city, state, or federal ), hence the proper application of law, will save oneself from looking incompetent (or like a nut). Also, there are other terms and issues that we will discuss in this area. Keep in mind that we are attempting to clarify the issues so that you may speak intelligently in your legal endeavors.
In regard to these princilples, please understand that the People's Awareness Coalition is on a different path than others in the movement. We may seem to be hypercritical due to the fact that we center on status, i.e., lawful nationality.
Finally, please understand that it is not that we agree with the system. However, we emphasize to you that it is necessary to keep within the guidelines in order to defeat it. And, there could have been case law and maxims noted to backup these explanations, but we have foregone them to keep things simple. You are invited to ask any "competent" authority to review our notations.
Thank you for paying attention! Godspeed, LB Bork
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Political System was
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