Unknown to most people the 14th Amendment had really nothing to do with giving ex-slaves their rights...
Have you noticed that Corporations pretty-much run everything? ...click image to the right > > >
The Amendment was to put corporations on the same level as people in regard to rights; and it also turns people into legal entities like corporations are. People are creatures of the State, not God.
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Mobile Systems
Understand we are a research and study based group, wherefore the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites work fairly well on tablet devices in their landscape mode. The plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices will be limited to general information about PAC. That noted, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home computer system for quality interaction with us.
Our mobile site ─ https://pacinlaw.us ─ is up for users to benefit from who are on the run.
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In pursuance of restoring the Republic,
PAC plans to serve legal notice to Congress
and several other governmental departments via
The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
So, you have searched the Internet absorbing this and that through mediums such as videos. Okay, what do you do with this information? How much of it do you trust? Who are the people that espouse the information you have seen or heard? How long have such people been around? What do they offer in way of solutions or remedy? Perhaps they just like to dwell on problems and instill fear.
PAC? We have been around since 1998. A heck-of-lot longer than most others.
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