The primary goal of the PAC Alliance is to bring Americans to an awareness of the political system they are immersed in. The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution created a stealth slavery with its legal system. The simple fact is people are controlled and treated as legal entities, or dead things. The nature of the system is to bring people under foreign municipal control.
In our quest to assist you in your journey of growth and understanding, the following items are provided for you to learn what we have learned:
The Coalition has found Facebook to be a distraction. To aid in fixing this issue, we suggest that you congregate with us in our private forum... Come join us in assisting good folks in building a substantial online community that is centered on local action over the nature of socializing.
PAC is rising. Join us in building our local communities and enconomies.
We would like you on our team... Please join us at the PAC Open Forum. There you find out what the Coalition is about and also join us in various discussions to assist us with America's Road Home.
Man... I just realized that I was here on the PAC site a few years ago...
I just came to the realization that after spending time looking at a what a bunch of others profess, PAC makes much more sense. The problem is, it appears that I wasted a bunch of years listening to others.*
This site ─ as all sites on the PAC Web Portal ─ use cookies. We do not collect infomation on our visitors so there is no need for concern. Our cookies are used to provide a better viewing experience and are for that purpose only. Any information that you may provide is for our use. As you will see, there is no advertising. Global commercialism is the crux of our battle. Enjoy your experience with us and be prepared for proper education and a better future.
Mobile Systems
Understand we are a research and study based group, wherefore the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites work fairly well on tablet devices in their landscape mode. The plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices will be limited to general information about PAC. That noted, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home computer system for quality interaction with us.
Our mobile site ─ ─ is up for users to benefit from who are on the run.
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In pursuance of restoring the Republic,
PAC plans to serve legal notice to Congress
and several other governmental departments via
The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
So, you have searched the Internet absorbing this and that through mediums such as videos. Okay, what do you do with this information? How much of it do you trust? Who are the people that espouse the information you have seen or heard? How long have such people been around? What do they offer in way of solutions or remedy? Perhaps they just like to dwell on problems and instill fear.
PAC? We have been around since 1998. A heck-of-lot longer than most others.
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