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When I got into the "movement", I sought like minded people to work with after writing my book, The Red Amendment. I was in contact with William Cooper, Tupper Saussy, Jack McLamb, and Right Way Law. I was actually working with the last reference and did a seminar with them. We had a wonderful turnout. The problem was, this same year that happened strangely the disinformation network went wild with the UCC and Strawman nonsense. One of Rightway's members, Jack Smith, pushed the program... The law club folded within a year or so. Why? Many people started losing property and going to jail/prison. A law club that had been around for over ten years, winning for United States citizens and doing well suddenly goes under. Nice. Right? Right.
My favorite line I hear from people is, Oh. I did not know about PAC. Seriously? We have been on line four times longer than most out there. The PAC Web Portal is getting about 20 thousand unique visitors a month. You can blame the Operatives and Opportunists for you not knowing about us. And people in general... Most people are looking for some quick fix to their problems... not to mention buying into the getting something for nothing schemes. Mind you, the problems you are seeing now I personally knew were coming 25 years ago.
So the question is: if you were looking to fix things for America, would you not look for like minded people to work with? One would think so. I mean, I did it after all. But that has not happened. Since the Internet has taken off, all you have is a bunch of thieves–those who take info from YouTube and other places–who use garnered info for their own purposes, take it and put their spin on it, and present or sell it to look like a savior.*
The thing I am getting at is: information from most sources could be tainted... And most of it is.
The Powers That Be have a TON of Operatives out there. Opportunists just add to the divison problem.
So, that's how things roll today. Self-important narcissists and evil rule. You can thank them for our demise that will soon come, as planned. It could be stopped, but people seem to not be interested in that.
That said, so don't tell me the Internet is a great thing. It's a wasteland...
So let's use it to our benefit. Join us at the PAC Open Forum...
PAC • Groups Open Forum
* PAC material has always been to build PAC operations so that we could have a viable society of people who were taught properly. All that has happened–especially the past 10 years–is that people take bits and pieces of it and dilute it... causing it to be detached from the original author so it can be adequately explained and implemented.
PAC. It's a way of life. Life is not a hobby.
We came up with the noted motto based on people treating the "information" they get as some kind of hobby, i.e., the more info I collect, the smarter I am. People act like it is some kind of contest: the one with the most information wins! Most of what they "collect" is not going to help us out of the mess we are in. Of course, most of them do not know what to do with most "information" they have collected... This illustrates that they lack knowledge, which creates an unfortunate "parroting" problem as critical thinking is absent. This can ultimately be fatal.
Ignorance and Ego of people feed this problem.
That said, it is ventured most Americans cannot discern between what is real and what is entertainment anymore.
Life is built on a foundation. Without the material to build a sound foundation, you have nothing. PAC (People's Awareness Coalition) starts with the foundation of law... which most people don't understand to be in many forms, such as the law of gravity (natural law). Of course, the law of man is what people are controlled with. So without that foundational understanding, you will never have freedom. Yes, "information" is needed to gather proper "material"... but being able to discern what information is useful material is what most people have issue with...
That is why PAC is for Discerning Souls... We are serious.
PAC • The PAC Alliance Program
The Coalition empathizes that there are people who feel they must remain part of the Marxist rebellion...
That aside, unity is still needed for us to make a difference. We have put together an evolutionary plan for all people of America to come together under the PAC Alliance Program. The main points of the program are:
1) Build local communities; 2) Correct the nationalities of people; 3) Watch what THEY are doing.
The two primary points assist in taking back communities by building local economies. The people who correct their nationalities safeguards them from the legislation that purviews through the 14th Amendment system. Regrettably, as the situation exists, most people center on "watching" what "their" government is doing and do nothing but complain and live in fear. This is what the adversary wants. So in regard to point three, we will not just be watching THEY; we will expose their deeds through effective programs due to unity. ~Copy from: PAC Bottom Line
Simply. It's time to "Do The Right Thing".
PAC • The Bottom Line
LB Bork – founder of PAC – has been in the "Truth Movement" since 1994.
The fact is, he has found that most every patriot group chooses to ignore the following...
People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) has been around since the year 1998. There are two primary tenets that surround the Coalition: Constitutional Education and Political Awareness. The main issue being that, people of America need to understand that the constitutional system that is currently in place is not actually the same as it was prior to what they call "Reconstruction (of 1868)". This caused a major change in the way constitutional matters are seen and handled. It setup a dual system of law. People thus think that they are actually are under the original constitutional system, which causes a lot of confusion and damage to occur. A major damaging factor is that it allows the law and prison industry to bilk millions of dollars out of Americans yearly. Another devastating factor is that patriot types think that they are under the original constitutional system. When they fail, they believe the law is not being followed and they then give-up and get hostile; and further, their friends and family think "fighting city hall" is fruitless and thus are also shunned.
For such reasons, if you aren't willing to assist the PAC Alliance to unify people under the aspect that was aforementioned, you are the adversary of good and thus a problem. It's really just as simple as that.
You may learn more about the PAC Unification Project here...
PAC • The PAC Unification Project
It is a given: most people have their own "opinions". The truth is, most opinions come from people who have been told what to think by those who enslave us. So what good are opinions?
Really, what good are opinions when they are based on lies? Truth and Facts are what is important.
Everyday what do we see most everyone in American doing: getting caught up in politics, disinformation programs– such being put out by agent provocateurs and people with opinions who have been told what to think– and other distractions and nonsense that can be found all over the Internet.
By NOT organizing and pissing and moaning about how and why THEY are screwing us over does NOT accomplish anything. Part of being in an offensive posture is NOT playing in their political sandbox.
One of the tenets (axiom) of PAC is, "Forget about what they are doing. Let's do what we need to do."
Most everything people are doing is defensive, e.g., Prepping.
As it is said, the best defense is a good offense...
It's time to "Do The Right Thing".
PAC • About PAC
Most people have not figured out that most social groups– such as found on Facebook– who pretend they are providing "knowledge" may have been put there to distract people. If they aren't, the people who start most groups are generally lost. This is due to most people parroting (copy/steal) ideas because they lack process of critical thought. This causes lost people to be distracted and also acts in benefit to our perceived adversary. Who knows, they might have lifted their ideas from a disinformation agent ...accordingly the Internet has proven to be a wasteland of distractions: things were much more centered in the 90s.
The simple fact is: people are getting nowhere in their Truth Quest.
The sad truth is most people do not even know what their Truth Quest is.
The simply fact and sad truth is, the Internet is filled with New Age programming... We call it MARXISM.
PAC • The Internet Wasteland
A look at Faith, Hope, and Charity vs. Socialism-Fascism.
Recently the founder of PAC, LB Bork, had a friend come to him and say that she was sad about the people of the earth suffering. Even looking into the Bible and having an understanding, she still felt something was wrong. Her looking into the Bible had shown her that things should be better than they are. He felt the same as she did about the Bible. Why all the suffering? She has been watching what LB has been posting on Facebook for a few years. Well, talking to another good friend, LB came to understand that what he does is working toward ending the suffering on earth. But most people seem not to even care... Even those people who dare to call themselves so-called "Christians" really don't even care about addressing "earthly" problems to put an end to the suffering.
Getting into the "earthly" end of this, the current governmental system of America is of purpose to govern evil people. It also serves to aid those who are evil. /1\ Note the rule of: Garbage In, Garbage Out. The long and the short of it is being a "citizen" of this governmental system is actually supporting evil. Citizenship is a contract for those who choose to be "of the world". /2\ The question is: It is said that Satan is the prince of this world. Is it wrong to relieve the suffering caused by the creeping evil or Satan? Where is it said that because Satan is the prince of this world people are suppose to live by his rule? Are we not to act in honor and be "in the world"?
How much more "of the world" can you be as being a "citizen"?
So, just who are these people that "believe" they are of the Holy Spirit or following Jesus (actually Yeshua)... Those people who preach the Bible and let the hearts and souls of people continue to remain subject to a rouge governmental system that supports evil. Those people who happily remain "citizens (of the realm)" that really care less about what "their" government does. Those people who refuse to spread the political truth about this orchestrated "temporal life" plagued with such evil. Perhaps those people who really are just interested in saving themselves for the "after life". Perhaps those people who are happy that God provides for "them only".
Are those people so moral and/or so holy they want to see the suffering on earth continue for eternity? Really, just who are these people? Apparently what we are dealing with is people who care about themselves...
When are people going to "Do The Right Thing"?
PAC • Spiritual Position
/1\ See the masterpiece– Rulers of Evil : www.pacinlaw.us/rulers
/2\ The Constitution is a compact to assist the greedy to monopolize profits in international commerce and force socialism (via law of the governments under the 14th Amendment) on those who choose to act immorally: "The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." ~Justice Black in Adderley v. State of Florida (1967)
Coalition Educational Info...
Man... I just realized that I was here on the PAC site a few years ago...
I just came to the realization that after spending time looking at a what a bunch of others profess, PAC makes much more sense. The problem is, it appears that I wasted a bunch of years listening to others.*
Don't fall into the same trap, Step Up...
* Based on the testimonies of several PAC supporters.
We would like you on our team... Please join us at the PAC Open Forum. There you find out what the Coalition is about and also join us in various discussions to assist us with America's Road Home.
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Mobile Systems
Understand we are a research and study based group, wherefore the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites work fairly well on tablet devices in their landscape mode. The plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices will be limited to general information about PAC. That noted, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home computer system for quality interaction with us.
Our mobile site ─ https://pacinlaw.us ─ is up for users to benefit from who are on the run.
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In pursuance of restoring the Republic,
PAC plans to serve legal notice to Congress
and several other governmental departments via
The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
So, you have searched the Internet absorbing this and that through mediums such as videos. Okay, what do you do with this information? How much of it do you trust? Who are the people that espouse the information you have seen or heard? How long have such people been around? What do they offer in way of solutions or remedy? Perhaps they just like to dwell on problems and instill fear.
PAC? We have been around since 1998. A heck-of-lot longer than most others.
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