Assist PAC in Creating Unity : The People's Awareness Coalition Alliance Program. A program for those people who would like to assist the Coalition in working toward taking back the political sovereignty of their countries but feel they must remain citizens and nationals of the United States.
The Free State Program, Sovereign Citizen, Sovereign Citizen Movement, Fourteenth Amendment, Common Law, PAC, People's Awareness Coalition, The Free State Project.
Sarah Marie has a secret... She wants you to know the
Five Important Steps to success In Freedom...
Step One
Too many ideas... Too little time... Get together...
ONE: Work with Others. Working with others strengthens the community. It is agreed that many people have different interests, but
working with others will build unity and limit confusion.
These measures will also reduce the chance of bad information being filtered into the community...more...
Step Two
Assembling the pieces to work as one in unity...
TWO: Bring Ideas Together. Now that you have decided to thwart the plan of the adversary to keep people divided, it is time to start working together in unity
to find commonality in your interests. Understand that
a machine is only as good as the sum of its parts. Produce a fine tuned machine with team work. ...more...
Step Three
Understanding what happened and how to fix it...
THREE: Study The Law. We are controlled by law. Most people ignore this fact. This is due to people being taught it is not their property, but the lawyers. The book The Red Amendment shows what has happened to us and how to
correct the problem. It is beneficial that law study groups be established locally. ...more...
Step Four
The success rate of your community will now soar...
FOUR: Spread The Word. Now that you have the basic tools needed for
success, you can now start spreading the good news. It is up to you to get out and teach others the truth. PAC has the tools for you to do so ...join our forum...
Get started in networking with our PAC Talk conference calls...
Please join in and see what we are up to ...join us here...
Step Five
Okay, you should not be on the fence any longer...
FIVE: Live Your New Life. Yes, the PAC Alliance Program is for all people who want to assist in changing America, but we would like you to join us in constitutional freedom right now ...more... Freedom will come to all with all working in unity with PAC.
Now, we reqest that you get with us in our local Meetup Groups to promote organizing local communities under our educational plan...
Many people understand that there are some things wrong in the world... but it seems like people who are aware of such matters are not getting anywhere, fast. So, a question: Why is our perceived "adversary" winning?
A) Division and keeping people on the defense...
We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the enemy's few. And if we are able thus to attack an inferior force with a superior one, our opponents will be in dire straits.
Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.
~Sun Tzu's Art of War
B) How 'A' is ultimately achieved:
"We exist in a kind of void, in which individualism flourishes, and narcissism, ego, materialism, the pursuit of self, wealth, status and greed - but nothing that moves the masses together."
Of course networking is generally a simple task, as most people like to be social; however, the problem is as most people do not like to be left out of any "Reindeer Games" they tend to drift toward groups that perhaps tickle the ear. This causes many people to overlook the information any such group they follow as being trustworthy. The problem is most people have taken information from various sources that may have been tainted. Unfortunately this causes problems:
REPEATER,n. A person who repeats, One that repeats: as one who relates or recites.
PARROTING,v. Repeat mechanically, encouraging students to parrot back information.
Okay, the syndrome is that most people in America are repeaters and parrot information they have heard. This coupled with the issue of individualism, narcissism, ego, materialism, the pursuit of self, wealth, status and greed cause people to start their own groups, for money and/or recognition, or be "sovereign citizens". Of course this causes the divide and conquer effect... more...
Now let's revisist what Julian Edney discovered about bad information that many have embraced:
"We exist in a kind of void, in which individualism flourishes, and narcissism, ego, materialism, the pursuit of self, wealth, status and greed - but nothing that moves the masses together. ... This essay defoliates Ayn Rand. Rand, I argue, is no spent force. She spent most of her life spreading propaganda which has helped corrupt popular thinking. Her prescriptions still inspire the young, damage public morality, and contaminate America's economic policies." ~GREED, Julian Edney
3) You Control What Happens
Do you really think that the self-important person is something that came about without plan, or programming?
Better yet, does the adversary have its own "agents" scattered about to cause confusion and division?
The simple equation is: (Be) DIVIDE[d] = (Be) CONQUER[ed].
So, some questions are:
Do you listen to people who just like to talk that you follow?
Who are you working with to build local community?
Have you attempted to network with others?
What research have you done yourself?
...And most importantly, are you practicing Faith, Hope, and Charity ?...more...
The problem may be in the mirror.
Simply, America will not be fixed until Americans fix themselves.
The Higher Liberty, by Gregory Williams
In Cain's City State, Nimrod's Babylon, Pharaoh's Egypt and Caesar's Rome men centralized the power of government in exchange for social security. They were eventually oppressed with heavy burdens. They were forced to labor for civil masters until their families suffered with people "casting out" their children under the economic strain of the totalitarian state.
Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ came to set men at liberty in Spirit and in Truth so that they might live as free souls under God. This was called redemption and salvation for this world and the next.
The adversary of God has seduced mankind throughout the ages to turn their back on God and follow those who by nature are no gods. He has drawn man to depart from the way of faith, hope, and charity which is the perfect law of liberty and become entangled in the bondage of the "world".
He is able to do this through the sophistry of words. He does not have to change the text of the scriptures but merely what we think the words mean. He must also appeal to our selfish and sinful natures, convincing us that we may decide good and evil, covet our neighbor's goods, and appeal to men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority over our neighbor's right to choose in order to provide an illusion of benefit for us.
It is a strong delusion, tempered in self indulgence, sealed in pride, to be able to keep whole nations in bondage while calling it freedom. Only the humility and love of men and women willing to tend to the weightier matters of law, justice, mercy, and faith in courage and repentance can remove the scales of our eyes and the hardness of our hearts so that we may seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
4) What Needs To Be Accomplished
Having those matters out in the open, now we can go over what needs to be accomplished in order to overcome the problem.
The three important points to be established are:
1) Build Local Communities
2) Correct Nationalities of People
3) Watch what THEY are doing
The first point is grounded in natural law which does not depend on the law of man. The second point will give people standing to fight the private law that works against us (as it removes personal jurisdiction in most all matters). The last point, the hierarchy enslaving you (THEY) is a multiple tiered system that needs to be watched by groups working in advised unison.
These three points makeup the simple blueprint on fixing government via leading by abstinence and/or example.
Most people tend to center on the third and most least important point. Most complain about "their government" or tend to get into fear mongering and expect someone else to fix their problems rather than attempting to fix things themselves. The worst part is, most people centering on the least important issue are not even working together. As common sense dictates, this allows the well financed and organized adversary to continue on with their program (see While the City Sleeps, by Chicago).
5) The Answer is An Alliance
Admittedly, many people know many things, but nothing can be effectively accomplished with people not working together. This in order to eliminate invalid information and the nature of duplication of "information". For this to happen unity of many ideas have to come together under an alliance. Even though people insist on being citizens and nationals of the United States, an alliance needs to be formed to weed-out the bad people: be they profiteers or disinformation agents ─ a real problem
An alliance, the PAC Alliance, would create a "clearing house". It must be accomplished VERY SOON!
Oh, and why People's Awareness Coalition?
Besides being around since 1998 – going on 30 years – we wrote the book exposing the problem and providing the remedy...
In closing, the 14th Amendment totally broke which was questionable to begin with. It is time for people to understand that you cannot fix what was meant to be broken. That is, status quo politics are a waste of time: Law is how to free your mind.
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Mobile Systems
Understand we are a research and study based group, wherefore the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites work fairly well on tablet devices in their landscape mode. The plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices will be limited to general information about PAC. That noted, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home computer system for quality interaction with us.
Our mobile site ─ ─ is up for users to benefit from who are on the run.
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In pursuance of restoring the Republic,
PAC plans to serve legal notice to Congress
and several other governmental departments via
The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
So, you have searched the Internet absorbing this and that through mediums such as videos. Okay, what do you do with this information? How much of it do you trust? Who are the people that espouse the information you have seen or heard? How long have such people been around? What do they offer in way of solutions or remedy? Perhaps they just like to dwell on problems and instill fear.
PAC? We have been around since 1998. A heck-of-lot longer than most others.
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