By now you may be wondering how PAC came by this information and how to find out this information about:
How have we been deceived?
How did this "change" take place with the 14th Amendment being the catalyst for the present fascist state in America?
Why is there an alternate Constitutional system that is seemingly valid?
Why is participation in voting in elections wrong?
How does using the Social Security Number (SSN) give consent?
How have our true Nationalities been effectively eliminated?
Comparatively, the founding fathers had a classical education that was born in ancient Greece and Rome, and by the 16th century, it was used throughout the Western world. This system educated most of America's founding fathers as well as the world's philosophers, scientists and leaders between the 10th and 19th centuries. What other period can claim so many advances in science, philosophy, art, and literature? The founding fathers separated from being subject to the King's government and a revolution was born. Because of this classical education, and a hard fight, they won independence and laid the groundwork for us to maintain our freedoms said to be protected by the Constitution.
However, through "sleight of hand" or, in this case words, all that remains is for us is to learn of the deception--the how and why this has happened to us.
Most people are too busy working to pay the bills and rearing their families to do the research and learn how to correct it. The many years of research have been done for you, and the information is contained in a "must have", "must read" textbook laid bare for every American to see and gain knowledge, The Red Amendment.
The Red Amendment book is truly one-of-a-kind and you will not find what is contained within its pages anywhere else. It boldly illustrates how this system maintains itself by allowing people to sit on the fence in detriment to all of us...
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But I repeat myself."~Mark Twain
The Goals
As we know the STATE OF THE UNION is in total disarray. This "state" is two pronged:
1) The Union is run by an alternate State (i.e., the United States);
2) As one can see, America in a very bad condition.
The real purpose of the current political system─as stealthily established under operations of the Fourteenth Amendment─is to secretly control people of America and to use them as if they are chattel property. As we know this is unacceptable, there are goals that must be achieved. Voting for any officer on the federal level is a waste of time as the "United States" is an entity that has an agenda. In this respect, as history has portrayed: People of Congress appear to be mindless puppets that are governed by their greed. It is truly unfortunate that no one can participate in state or local elections either, as the legal operations of the 14th Amendment have effectively tied-up these political jurisdictions also. This was the masterful plan to subvert the rights of the American people to enjoy freedom.
Due to these factors, the goals that must be achieved by us as state nationals have to be done in a political manner, but must be external to the system; and our liberty must be secured on a personal basis, but will be most effectively achieved by working together in association.
"Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness... Every citizen is responsible for every act of his government...There is only one sovereign remedy, namely, non-violent non-cooperation. Whether we advertise the fact or not, the moment we cease to support the government it dies a natural death.... My method is conversion, not coercion, it is self-suffering, not the suffering of the tyrant..."~Mahatma Gandhi
Our Goal
Our goal as Americans is to defeat this silent slavery imposed on us. The only effective way to change the political climate while preserving your rights is to become a state national and apply pressure from THE OUTSIDE. This may be accomplished by the following measures:
1) Apply de jure political pressure to the Insurgents in Government.
2) The Education of other Americans, i.e., the insurgents and rebels.
Of course there are people out there that buy into a political change from WITHIN. That is to say, they encourage you to register to vote and then support a political candidate that appears to be on "our" side, or support other registered political candidates that have alternate views aside the Republicans and Democrats. It is cautioned that you NOT center yourself around these people, as they are either:
A) In Serious Delusion; or,
B) Part of the Plot of Maintaining the System.
Understand that you lose your ability to challenge De facto Law if you politically participate.
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."~Thomas Jefferson
Your Goal
Your immediate personal goal is achievable. Your freedom is recognized under the guaranteed Republican Form of Government. It is defined below:
CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY OR FREEDOM: The aggregate of those personal, civil, and political rights of the individual which are guaranteed by the Constitution and secured against invasion by the government or any of its agencies.
That definition is from a current law dictionary: Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition Deluxe. What this is ultimately portraying is that private law or special law does not apply to a state national. However, we should also note that the political rights under the constitutional system are also a right. This is correct, to a point. People can be elected to be an officer of a de facto office (as an insurgent); however, what the definition does not cover is the people that are voting are oppressed and do not have freedom from the invasion of government agencies, and that you are not afforded to elect your officials has curtailed your political rights. Therefore in conclusion─as the definition portrays─the full scope of constitutional liberty and freedom is to some extent present; but as you are fully aware there is a deceptive game of Catch-22.
Simply, your remedies are going to be in law (or at law). Also observe that you are not able to address political issues in regard to a personal remedy: the courts refuse to address them; however you may assert your political rights in pais by protesting to the insurgents.
Claiming your State Nationality is your short term goal. Long term, or our foremost goal, is to terminate the 14th Amendment and get our Countries back from the Insurgents.
The path PAC is on is an exciting one and laden with truth as you've never known. Join with us, read The Red Amendment, and become active as we begin and continue to:
Those who have read The Red Amendment understand the lawful system of government began to be progressively high-jacked in the mid-1850s. By 1868, the lawful bodies politic were disfranchised putting the lawful people of the republics in the Union in a limbo state. Operations of law and a plethora of legal manipulations serve-up the damage.
State Nationals Society's seal motto maintains their lawful standing in Latin, which is "Legitiums Principatus" : meaning the legitimate principals. The Union style shield represents the honor of the society and their promise to uphold the founding principles of the federation system. The noted shield sits upon a red background which represents the society having lawful power over the Communist based – RED – political system that was installed via the 14th Amendment...
The array of stars simply represent the several – separate, sovereign, and many – states in the American union. If and when the states are returned to the rightful principals, the red field will become an azure blue, which represents the law of God ─ the Creator. But until that time, the [U]nited States of America is under adverse control of the rebel REDs empowered by the willfully ignorant Commie Association comprised of U.S. citizens per the 14th Amendment.
Learn about the Communist Association and their governing seal, Click Here...
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Mobile Systems
Understand we are a research and study based group, wherefore the PAC Web Portal is designed with conventional computer systems in mind; although our sites work fairly well on tablet devices in their landscape mode. The plans to have a site dedicated to portable based devices will be limited to general information about PAC. That noted, we recommend that serious partakers of freedom have a home computer system for quality interaction with us.
Our mobile site ─ ─ is up for users to benefit from who are on the run.
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In pursuance of restoring the Republic,
PAC plans to serve legal notice to Congress
and several other governmental departments via
The Red Amendment before the 2024 Election.
So, you have searched the Internet absorbing this and that through mediums such as videos. Okay, what do you do with this information? How much of it do you trust? Who are the people that espouse the information you have seen or heard? How long have such people been around? What do they offer in way of solutions or remedy? Perhaps they just like to dwell on problems and instill fear.
PAC? We have been around since 1998. A heck-of-lot longer than most others.
Get PAC! Step Up and Get Started with the Ultimate Remedy, Click Here...