Sadly, one of the goals of the Globalist Agenda is to do away with countries and their nationalities. As we can see, most Americans have no idea who they are. Accordingly, we can see that the Globalist Agenda has been accomplished in America. So one should question: What nationality are "Americans" actually considered to be?
Your awareness about nationality includes just these three (3) simple truths:
(Q1) Who we are, as Americans?
(Q2) How have the Founding Fathers of the USA ensured that we (and future generations) would be able to maintain our freedom, forever?
(Q3) Who has the ability or right to determine your nationality?
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Answer: As a National born within the borders of one of the several States of The United States of America, you are a part of a coalition of people known as Americans. But, just as one who is born in the country of Italy enjoys the legal status of an Italian National, you have the right to be a National of one of the several States in which you were born, or another one. Your nationality may only be decided by you and your Creator, not by man.
Please understand the following: Neither a constitution nor a government has the power to grant freedom. Freedom is a birthright, which is reserved by you as a free and independent State National with all posterity in tact. So, is it not reasonable for each American, having been first a National of his/her own sovereign country (i.e., state), to ask that simple question:
What is the difference between the freedoms I enjoy as a National of a country in the Union that provides the State its sovereignty and the freedoms I enjoy as a "federal citizen" and national of the United States?
For starters, you will need to read the Constitution of the country (state) in which you were born. There you will find that your freedoms are a divine grant of God.